VideoBuddy APK

VideoBuddy APK – Watch And Download Youtube Video And Hindi Movies

videobuddy is an application through the ability to download every type of video as well as audio. You can also view an live IPL match. videobuddy is a popular way to download music and videos from Youtube. This app isn’t available in the Google Play Store. You can download the application from the official site of videobuddy. videobuddy belongs…

Facebook isn't working right now , Server Down

Facebook isn’t working right now, Facebook’s outages

Facebook isn’t working right now : As per the current information Facebook desktop version is not working right now, many people start commenting on twitter about this issue. Seems like Facebook isn’t working right now. Reminds me of this old @TheOnion headline. — John Greenfield (@greenfieldjohn) October 4, 2021 WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook have all…


IIoT in Retail: Applications and Advantages

Internet of Things (IoT) has established a strong relationship with several industries today. Whether manufacturing, warehousing, or consumer goods, the foothold of IoT has brought immense changes to every aspect of their operations. An unimaginable revolution is being seen in the retail sector as more and more technologies are being implemented in its work environment….

Thank You Coronavirus Helpers , Coronavirus helpers get hearts From Google Doodle

Thank You Coronavirus Helpers : Coronavirus helpers get hearts From Google Doodle

Thank You Coronavirus Helpers : Google Doodle – ‘Much obliged to you Coronavirus helpers’ Doodle has been acquainted by Google today with show appreciation towards individuals working indefatigably on the frontline During the progressing COVID-19 pandemic, the frontline laborers arose to be the legends of society. Despite the fact that individuals living in various nations…

Best Test Automation Frameworks to be used with Selenium

In today’s fast-paced web-based software environment, test automation is a crucial component of the development process. Automated testing helps with software quality by quickly identifying defects, minimizing human error, and increasing the overall efficiency of the testing process. Selenium, a widely popular open-source tool and framework enables web developers to create and run automated tests…

Selenium Testing Best Practices: How To Create Robust And Reliable Test Scripts

Selenium is a well-established open-source testing tool that enables QA engineers to automate tests for web applications. Its versatility as a web automation testing tool is due to its support for multiple programming languages and platforms. By automating tests, QA engineers can reduce their reliance on manual testing and perform tests more quickly, thus reducing…