How to Develop an Educational App for Android

Many students deal with tasks on programming day by day and face some issues because of them. You must know that being a bit confused with a coding task is fine, especially when you lack skills and experience in programming development. For example, if you deal with Android app development, you will most likely realize that you need some help. Many students who face trouble with coding ask some third parties for assistance. You can reach out to a teacher and request dome additional hours of study to get more understanding of the subject. However, not all teachers are ready to help everybody, as they have many things to do. Other students request the help of their friends, family, or classmates, which is a good decision. Skilled friends could be beneficial in resolving coding tasks. However, not everybody has friends with the skills to reach out for help. If you want to find an alternative way of assistance when you face difficulties with coding assignments, you need to consider professional Android homework help. You can delegate your tasks to proficient programmers and get it all in one solution. When you explain the type of task to an expert, you will get answers to all your questions. Moreover, a professional coding specialist will explain many aspects of your assignment and answer all your questions. Turning to professionals with experience in programming is an ecological and effective way to resolve all your problems with homework.

Why do we need Android apps?

Android is a popular operating system used in tablets, smartphones, e-books, and many other touchscreen devices. Android-based is open-source software. Many manufacturers of devices choose Android for their devices because apps developed on Android are fast and easy to download and update. There are plenty of fans of Android apps worldwide. People choose this operating system because it helps to easily connect and share information and media, including large video files.

Almost all big world-known businesses have a mobile app on Android. The size of an audience of potential users of Android apps is enormous. By the way, submitting an app on Android is way cheaper than on iOS. Moreover, if you submit an app on Android, you make a one-time payment. To submit an app on iOS, you must provide more significant expenses annually.

One of the advantages of Android apps is high portability. Being an open-sourced system, Android is compatible with other operating systems, for example, Chrome OS and Blackberry.

Below, you will find some working tips on developing an educational App on Android. We hope that these basis hacks will enlighten your educational process and let you see some ways to resolve your assignments.

Read the manuals and define goals

If you are about to create a working app on Android, you must proceed to work with reading instructions that a teacher usually leaves for students. These instructions must contain some aspects to consider while working on a project. Manuals have available details on logos and colors, features to apply, type of interface, and other vital elements of your future Android app. If, after reading the instruction, you will realize that you require additional consolation, you may request it from your teacher or supervisor. If you attend a free online course, you can search for some actional instructions or lessons.

Start with a name

Any educational or another app on Android must be stated with a particular name. If you have a prescribed name, you must enter it into a specific section. If you have a concept without a name, you must develop a name on your own. Note that a name must fit the overall idea and cover all aspects that relate to an educational app you create. When stating a name for your Android app, do preliminary research on the same niche products. Include markets of other countries in the study as well. You need to ensure that the name you want to use is not taken or defended by law as a trademark. Try to be original and brainstorm on the name to find a non-trivial one.

Choose a design scheme

Once you are ready with the name, select a design type that will correlate to creating an app. If you have instructions and a prescribed concept of an app, you will easily define some core elements of the design. The primary stages of choosing a design scheme will be adding logos and defining a color scheme for your future app. Imagine the result when selecting the type of color scheme. A good developer can see the interface in the initial stage of development.

Insert some features

Here we are at the next stage of Android app development. Once you are happy with an interface, proceed with features vital for your app. You can choose one of the features prescribed in instruction from a teacher. If you use some programs that help develop apps, you can select one of the fitting features from the offered list. Note that you can edit all features in the way you want them if needed.

Test an app

One of the final stages of app development will be testing and launching. After you have completed all stages of the development process, you must ensure that an app works correctly. You must polish and refine an app to be happy with the result of your work. Test an app with the help of a relevant program and ensure it works fine. If needed, you can update and refine an app to make it work better. The Play Store has an incredible feature that lets developers create a new app available only for the close circle of testers. Inviting a subset of selected users, you will effectively polish your app and fasten the process of testing. One of the benefits of Android is that you do not need any specific devices to test an app, unlike testing apps on iOS that require using of an iPhone, Mac, etc.


Android has great potential and plenty of users worldwide, a popular OS. Apps developed on Android are compatible with other operating systems that give loads of possibilities to users and manufacturers. We believe that now you have a clear vision of how to develop an educational app for Android. Here are some highlights to remember. One should always start with reading instructions and stating the aims of development. After you are clear with goals, you must define and enter a name of an app. Designing an app will be the next stage of its development. One should consider prescribed colors and logos, if any. One of the significant stages of programming any app is adding some features. If there are some features that a teacher defines, you should add them first. The last stage will be polishing an app and testing it. We wish you luck!