4 Most Common Sports Injuries – Dr. Dilip Mehta

In this article, Dr. Dilip Mehta a Leading Orthopedic Surgeon in Jaipur talks about “4 Most Common Sports Injuries”.

Dr. Dilip Mehta is an orthopedic surgeon in Jaipur who specializes in shoulder, elbow, hip, and knee surgery. He is considered one of the best in the country. He has more than 15 years of expertise and has dedicated his professional life to the advancement of hip joint surgery techniques, shoulder arthroscopy techniques, joint reconstruction techniques, and knee surgery techniques.

4 Most Common Sports Injuries _ Dr. Dilip Mehta

The ability to participate in one or more sports is an essential component of a healthy, active lifestyle — it is excellent for the heart, it is good for the respiratory system, it is good for growing and maintaining physical strength, and so on.

In an ideal world, only positive outcomes would result from participation in sports – but, of course, this is not an ideal world. A lot of people move in the incorrect manner; they trip and fall; they make unexpected touche with the ground and with each other. Sports injuries are a common complication as a result of this.

Having said that, the possibility of injury should not dissuade you from participating in sports; but, by becoming familiar with some of the most frequent sports injuries, you may take efforts to avoid them or at the very least lower your chances of getting hurt. Let’s take a look at four typical athletic-related injuries that can occur, as well as various prophylactic steps you can take.

1. Distresses and strains

Dr. Dilip Mehta one of the best Orthodontists in Jaipur says that Strains are by far the most prevalent of all sports-related injuries, owing to the fact that we engage so many muscles and tendons when we exercise or play sports like football or basketball, for example. All of these moving parts are susceptible to extending further than they should or moving in ways that they should not be moving, resulting in them being torn, injured, and in pain.

The most common types of muscle strains include strained hamstrings, pulled groin muscles, and strained quadriceps. The majority of strains are mild and heal on their own with rest. When participating in a hard activity, warming up and stretching beforehand is the most effective strategy to lessen the risk of strained muscles and tendons.

2. Sprains are another type of injury

Sprains are another type of injury

Jaipur-based Dr. Dilip Mehta a premium Orthodontist in Jaipur notes that Ligament sprains are similar to muscle strains in that they involve the ligaments. Ligaments are the connective tissues that hold bones together. When these ligaments twist in the wrong direction, they might be pulled or torn. Sports injuries such as ankle and knee sprains, wrist and elbow sprains, and other similar injuries are among the most common among players

Sports injuries such as ankle and knee sprains, wrist and elbow sprains, and other similar injuries are among the most common among players. The pain associated with a sprain is intense, and the healing time is greater than that of a strain.

In some cases, immobilization is required to prevent additional injury. Pre-workout stretches and warmups, as well as practicing proper technique in the sport you’re participating in, can help prevent sprains from occurring. It is recommended that you wear a brace on your knee or ankle while playing if you have previously sprained that joint. If you have a history of spraining your knee or ankle, it is recommended that you wear a brace on that joint while playing.

3. Knee injuries 

Due to the fact that the knee is a complex joint that is subjected to a great deal of force and wears during most athletic activities, we have designated it as a separate category for potential injuries.

Rips of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), as well as cartilage tears, dislocations, and fractures, are all quite common injuries. Knee injuries can be extremely painful and debilitating, and they may necessitate surgical intervention in severe cases. Warm-up stretches, and excellent posture, combined with the use of suitable cushioning and bracing, can help lower the risk of knee injuries in athletes opines Dr. Dilip Mehta one of the top Orthodontists in Jaipur.

4. Fractures in the body

Fractures in the body

Impact and contact sports frequently result in fractures of the bone (most commonly in the arms, legs, and feet), all of which can be painful, require weeks of immobilization to heal, and in rare cases may necessitate surgical intervention to rectify the problem.

Fractures are a risk associated with most rigorous or contact sports, but you can minimize the risk by wearing adequate padding, warming up, exercising to maintain muscles strong and flexible, practicing proper technique, and other measures such as wearing protective equipment.

It is also important not to “play through the pain,” as this may indicate a strain or sprain that, if left untreated, might render the bone more susceptible to fracture.