A Refresher in Classic Marketing for Digital Companies

If you have started or are thinking about starting a new digital company, then you most likely have some marketing and some tech knowledge. However, when we are in the thick of things, we can sometimes forget the very basics that got us here in the first place. Here is a refresher in important marketing tips as applied to digital and emerging technology companies. lassic Marketing for Digital Companies

Source: https://pixabay.com/illustrations/social-media-social-media-3408791/

Incentivize Customers to Return

This can seem really basic, but you really have to give customers a concrete reason to come back. This can be done a number of ways. An example of this that you may be familiar with is using loyalty programs, where you accumulate points and can later exchange them for goods or discounts. Others may offer cash back or other ways to earn money directly.

These mobile casinos where you can earn real money are other great examples. Not only do they offer the convenience of being able to login and play wherever you are, but they also offer the chance to win real money. These mobile casinos have great welcome bonuses too! This way, people have extra motivation to sign up and play slots here and to keep their roll going. This guide even gives some pointers on how to have success at these sites. 

Concrete incentives like this are not definitely not the only way to motivate customers, but as you can imagine from these examples, they can certainly help! The other tips here may seem less concrete but are not less important.

Build Brand Loyalty

A key goal of any marketing campaign is to build brand loyalty. This, of course, cannot be achieved through any single or simple set of commercials or billboards. It takes a very rounded and comprehensive approach.

The best way to build brand loyalty is to be consistent in the high quality and value that you can give to your customers. This goes beyond marketing in itself but it is essential to a successful marketing campaign. 

Also, you can focus more on customer service and experience rather than cutting costs to protect your bottom line. If you have a customer leave their experience with your brand with a positive experience, this will ensure that they come back. If they have a complaint, follow the old adage that the customer is always right. They will come back, and they will send their friends as well. 

Word of Mouth is the Best Advertisement

Paying for advertisements is a good place to start a marketing campaign, because it is a way to get your name out there and let potential customers know what you offer and what is unique about what your company offers. However, there is something even more powerful when this information comes from a friend or a trusted one. 

This is one of the most important things internet marketing can do for your business.  Social networking sites are huge opportunities where your customers can interact with their community. You can also be in touch with influencers. Even though you would enter into a professional relationship with these influencers, their vouching or your product will feel like a friendly recommendation to their followers. 

Any News is Good News

Getting your name out into the ether is key. Whether you want to increase your brand recognition in new markets, or you want to make sure your brand is the first one customers think of, then getting in the airways is a great step. In some ways, any good is good news as it can be seen essentially as free advertising. 

One way to grab some headlines is to claim progress on some new technology or its application. Take Xpeng’s plans for a flying car, which grabbed some important headlines recently. They are one of over five hundred companies working on a flying car, but they were able to cut through the noise and reach a wide audience because of their sleek promotional video and press release. 

This is a great example to learn from because they were able to make noise out of their normal operations. It was a successful and coordinated effort between marketing and research departments that has helped make this Chinese company more well known in Europe and North America.